Listen up, because I'm going to tell you how to do something that most "experts" in this field will refuse to address: how to start a charcoal fire using lighter fluid.
"Lighter fluid" is almost a bad word among serious grilling aficionados and weekend barbecue warriors. Ask one of them how to light a good charcoal fire using lighter fluid and you will get a one-word answer: "don't." It will usually be followed by the instruction: "get a charcoal chimney."
The reason is simpler, lighter fluid, gasoline, and a cousin also has a petroleum base, which has a terrible odor. As a result of its potential for vapor lighter products made from petroleum, which affect the taste of your food. As a result, people who are really serious about their grilling and barbecue, the infusion of meat, often with various mixtures of thin wood smoke, wiping her compliments secret ingredient is not only easy to use with the thought of it.
Most renowned artists GridUse BBQ starter. And this is good advice. I prefer an alcohol on me, and to avoid possible odor and taste problems.
But in all reality, most beginners go to the way coal lighter fluid, because it is visceral, is widely available and what they have seen from other people. If you are just learning your way around a charcoal grill, can be confused with a chimney or electric starter or under-the-carbon fuel source. And it is herethe big secret: It's okay. You started a perfectly good meal for a lighter fluid can satisfy the taste of 90% of the population. That is, if you do it right.
Before you begin, select the coal. Go ahead and get the Kingsford briquettes, even though they cost more. I found the quality of the store-brand coal (often the only choice) to vary considerably. Kingsford is usually faster and the ash burns evenly and have a good time. IfDo you have another premium brand available in your area, do not hesitate to try it. How do you really know your way around to get a grid, you can lump of coal, which burns faster, and leaves less ash is easier to complete the cooking temperature setting. But now I want a decent quality briquette ensure consistency and ease of use.
First, you want to determine how much coal is needed. Estimated to cover the space on the grill, the food. Pour in enough tilesCovering that much space under the grate, in a single layer. Then throw in about 6 or 7 more tiles.
Then, stack the briquettes into a pyramid. Lighter fluid enough to squeeze all tiles, you can see from cover. I inject also usually some gaps between the tentative agreement on coal to deepen the pyramid.
Wait a minute, but no more.
Light that by dropping a game or a long-handled lighter. A lighter usually puts his hands a little 'close for comfort. I usually try to light charcoal on each side.
You will see a lot of flames and fire, for a while '. Then, very briefly, it seems that the fire goes out. Be patient. Whatever you do, do not spray more fluid on them. And 'dangerous. Your fire will not escape and the liquid is simply burned coal.
Finally, you see the corners of briquettes turn white with ash, and eventually more and more about the briquette ash. If theseIncineration process stops completely, not by fire.
As more and more of the coal ash are full, you probably start to be bright orange at the center of your pyramid, and can also run the flames. They are waiting for coal to be much more complete, all-white ash. This ensures that the lighter fluid burned completely and should not seriously contaminate the food. Well, if you have a scattered tiles, which have not completely incinerated, okay, it iscan wait that long for 100% incineration, you miss the best cooking charcoal.
With Kingsford, usually ready fairly quickly, as quickly as 15 minutes. Larger fires, barbecues and various different tiles may require more time.
So, when the tiles are completely or almost completely incinerated beyond, with a long-handled tongs or other tools to spread the pieces in single layer. Put your grill grate placed on top of the heat for a few minutes agoAdd your diet (more time for all the remaining coals to ash over). If your grill has a brush, I do now, when it is hot, but before the meal.
As long as one has to burn long enough for all the liquid is lighter and wait for the ashes of tiles, that most people are not all negative residual tastes. There are good reasons to use the methods of lighting and pieces of charcoal briquettes as well, but this is the simplest and a perfectly acceptable way to start. How do youcomfortable around the grid, you can examine all other options.
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